Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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1 Subject

Activity 5.1 The Spread of Christianity

Activity 5

Q Read the entire book of Acts. What does it teach about the conviction of those who were eyewitnesses of Jesus’ life, and how does their commitment to a personal belief add to the credibility of faith in Jesus? In the first paragraph, give a brief summary of the ministry of one of the following persons that no one else has covered: • Peter • John • James • Stephen • Barnabas • Priscilla or Aquila • Saul/Paul • Silas How were they different? How were they similar? What allowed them to work together? What does the content from the Epistle readings add to your understanding ofsome of these characters? Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:1-11 describe Jesus’ ascension. Forty days after Jesus’ resurrection to life, He bodily ascended to heaven to prepare a place for believers. From there He lives, rules, and reigns, protecting His Church and governing the world, until an unknown day when He will return to judge the living and the dead. Rather than remaining physically on earth to be a ruling monarch, He chose to empower His disciples and apostles to live and lead for Him. In the second paragraph, discuss how the spread of Christianity might reflect (or not reflect) the growth of a start-up industry. In the third paragraph, describe why the early Christians were persecuted, and what it meant for the growth or stifling of the church. Different religious adherents (not only Christians) are persecuted for their faith. The Bible does not encourage the persecution by Christians on others or of Christians by others. However, Jesus warns that Christians should expect to be persecuted and suffer for the sake of their adherence to the faith. Visit and read about some of the modern persecution of Christians taking place. What are your thoughts?

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John had started his life with Jesus as a disciple, then an apostle and then eventually he became an evangelist after the death of Jesus. John was challenged several times by means of other non-believers of Christ testing John’s faith. However, John had always passed through all the tests and all the tribulations laid down to him by other individuals as well as by God. John knew that after the death of Christ the mission of his life was to proclaim the kingdom of Christ and spread the love and the message of Christ according to the word of God in the Gospel. An island named Patmos is associated with John as it was in this island in Ephesus that John had been sent to exile. Roman emperor Domitian had given the order to exile John. The exile was a blessing in disguise for John as John had been able to record the word of God of the New Testament Book of Revelation.